Warning Once your new posts are imported with the hero images, other older posts you have previously imported in the autolist will not be deleted. The warning is - if any of the old posts have image errors, e.g. missing images for Instagram, they will still be auto published on Twitter or Facebook in the old re-tweet style (posts with a link) instead of posts with photo.
N.B. If your Blog post image does not show for a particular post for some reason, and you have done the above, when you know for sure there clearly is an image uploaded, it maybe one of two things.
1) When you created the blog, you may have inadvertently made the image’s image's online status in the blog post itself, set to hidden. If the Image is set to hidden in the Media section of the blog post, the image will not appear in your autolist.
2) The image format is not-viable. The image maybe too large or formatted in some resolution that it simply doesn’t doesn't like. Try re-uploading the image, use default image format settings for a JPG or PNG.
* If you make any changes to an already imported autolist blog post, it WILL NOT update once it is imported into the list, if you want to update it you will either need to delete all the posts and then refresh the feed, or its probably quicker just to amend the problematic auto list post. Subsequent posts should be fine if you adhere to the above. If in doubt delete all and refresh the feed. |