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Top Tip - Want to outsource your blogging? You can add them as a user to your VIA software and allocate them the Blogger user right. This will mean they can only access you blog, so they can easily add and manage your blogs without having wider access to your website.

2) Website Leads

You website leads will be delivered to you in two ways

  • Emails alerts will be sent to the designated email addresses you have assigned. These emails will contain the relevant details of the lead for your staff to action

  • Every lead will also be stored in your VIA software so you can action and report on them from directly within VIA. You may wish to give staff access to VIA so they can qualify these leads as quickly and easily as possible. Storing the leads in VIA means you have complete visibility over what has been actioned, what has been missed, and how quickly each lead has been dealt with

Website leads tile; how to action leads and mark them as complete/dealt with

3) Adding a new blog

Blogging is a great way to add new content to your website quickly and easily. It can help boost your SEO and is one of the easiest things to do in VIA. It's a great place to start to get to grips with your VIA software.

Adding a blog post


4) Creating/Editing website pages

Each website we build is different. The website building capabilities of VIA mean you can create an almost endless combination of page designs using the software.


Creating a new website page (advanced)

Pages, items & links


5) Editing your website menu

Once you've created new pages you'll want to add them to your main menu so your website users can access them easily. Over time, you may also want remove pages from your website menu that are no longer relevant or even link to PDF files and documents.


How to upload a PDF to your website's main menu or footer (eg: CMP, TPO, or ICO membership certificate)


6) The Training & Support Centre

To view our full catalogue of guides and videos, head to the Training & Support centre in VIA. Simply login and click the blue Training & Support button on the left hand side. You can use the keyword search to look for further guides and videos.


What is the Areas section and what does it do

Adding a Google Analytics tracking code to your website
