Go to Website > Pages
Click Add
In the Page URL field, enter buy/property-for-sale
Click Save
Repeat the steps above but enter let/property-to-let in the Page URL fieldif you’re additionally adding advertising banners to your lettings results as well as sales
Go to Website > Pages and search for the page you’ve just added
Click the Add new item icon (3 squares and a +)
A new pop up will appear, ensure New item is selected from the drop down and click OK
The Summary The item must have a specific name:. The first advert to display must be called results-banner-1
The Title field will output the main title of the advert. You can customise the look by using the options available in the wysiwyg editor
The Content field will put content within the advert underneath the title. You can customise the look by using the options available in the wysiwyg editor
The URL field will make the banner clickable. The URL you enter will be where the banner, when clicked, links to. To go to an external web page (NOT recommended) enter the full URL. To go to a page on the same website, you don’t need to enter the full URL. Just the element after the .com or .co.uk. Eg /meet-the-team
The Subheading field will create a button within the adverts itself. Whatever content is added to this field. Eg Click here will create a button with the text Click here within it
Media uploaded to the Media Section will be the background of the advert
Background colour field enables you to add a block colour to the background. Or, by using the transparency options in the colour picker, apply a colour overlay to an image you've uploaded
Click Save
Repeat the steps above to add new items ensuring they are named as follows:
The second advert to display must be called results-banner-2
The third advert to display must be called results-banner-3
The fourth advert to display must be called results-banner-4
You don't have to add 4 adverts, if you only want one, two, or three different adverts, just add the appropriate items as above but the system allows up to 4 advert options