How to edit the colour of your diary appointments and the colour of your circled avatar containing your initials.

When you first logon to VIA, you will notice your user account will display your initials within a coloured circle in the top left-hand tile on the dashboard.

This little avatar will appear on your dashboard, as well as throughout various other sections of VIA whereby you appear, such as the Users tab.

This colour is also used whenever you add appointments to your diary. Different user accounts will have different colours assigned to them to easily distinguish different staff members calendar appointments.

The colour of your Avatar and Calendar appointments is pre set by VIA when your user account is first created. However, you can also customise it to a colour of your choice in case of a colour clash, or just for personal preference.

To change your colour:

Super Users of VIA also have the option to change the avatar colour of other staff members. If you are a Super User who wants to change the colour of another staff member:

Please note: only Super Users are able to change the colour of other user accounts. Individuals with other user rights can only change their own colour.