When you add your copy to a website page using the text editor fields, how can you ensure what you add is formatted nicely so it’s consistent with the rest of the website?

Title and body fonts

You website has a default title font and a default body font which were chosen when the website was first built. Title and subtitles will always use the title font, main bodies of content will always use body font.

Simply using the title, subtitle and content fields when adding text to pages or items is the best way to ensure your styling remains consistent across the website

Customising fonts and text sizes

If you want to customise the fonts and font size within the text editor itself.


Clearing the text/font formats on a page or item

If you copy and paste text from another document, you could inadvertently paste in additional formatting that will output on the website. Or, you might find that a website page’s formatting has just got a little messy as it’s been edited by various people.

To clear the formatting of an item or page so you can start again, you can use the Clear Formatting option. Simply highlight the text you want to clear the formatting on (we recommend highlighting all) and click the clear formatting button


This will simply restore all the highlighted text to the default font size and font style

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