Street API import user guide; getting your properties onto your website from Street

Street API import user guide; getting your properties onto your website from Street

The following document explains how you can get the property data from your Street software onto your website. It explains exactly how an import of your property data from Street works and outlines what you need to do to ensure the information on your website is correct. It also contains important information to ensure your property alert emails link correctly to your website (in the FAQs section).


1.1 - Overview

1.2 - Setting up an import to your website

1.3 - What information does the website use to display my property listings?

1.4 - Media

1.5 - FAQs - including how to setup your property alert emails

1.1 Overview

The Street API Import is one of the fastest methods of transferring property data. Once setup, it will look for changes to your property listings every 15 mins and immediately makes these changes to your website.

It runs 7 days a week, 8am - 8pm. It does not run overnight when estate agent offices are closed and no changes are taking place.

1.2 Setting up an import to your website

If you’re having a new website built by Webdadi, your Project Manager or Account Manager will be in touch to setup your import. If you already have a Webdadi website and want to setup a new import from Street, please contact your Account Manager.

You’ll need to request your Street API key in order for us to setuo your import. This can be done directly through your Street software. Login to Street, go to Account Settings > My Settings > Account Administration > Applications. You’ll need to fill your details in this section and request the Property Feed API. Once complete, your API key will be displayed. You should copy this key and save it for future use.

1.3 What information does the website use to display my property listings?

The following table outlines what information is used on the website, where it is output, and from where in Street it gets that information.

Please note - although the Street software itself is customisable and allows you to create new fields and have a bespoke configurations, the website import only downloads the default/core fields of Street.


Website Option

Where does it display on the website

Field in Street

Website Option

Street Drop Down Option




House Number

Doesn't output on the website specifically. This field is imported purely to help us identify the property in our database for troubleshooting







Address 1

Used to output the address on the search results & property details pages







Address 2 

Used to output the address on the search results & property details pages








Used to output the address on the search results & property details pages
