Creating a new Website page

Creating a new Website page

Adding a brand new page to your website can be done quickly and easily, particularly if you use our simple page layouts. These page layouts are perfect to outline simple pieces of information in a pre-set layout, such as outlining your fees.


  • Login to VIA

  • In the left hand menu, go to Website > Pages

  • In the top of the tab, click the Add button. This will open a new tab where you can input your page content

    • Page URL - add the URL of the page. Spaces will automatically be replaced with -

    • Visible - tick this box if you want your page to be visible and not stay as a draft

    • Title - this will the main title/header of the website page (it will also be allocated as the H1)

    • Sub Heading - this will display as a secondary title (it will be allocated as the H2)

    • Content - this will display as the main body of text on the page. Use the various options in the text editor to embolden, italicise or underline your text. You can also add further images, videos and grids/tables of information alongside the body of text

    • Hide from search engines - tick this box if you don’t want search engines to crawl and index your web page

    • Window Title - add you unique window here. A window title is essentially the title of the page as it will appear in a Google listing. Find out more here What is a Window Title or Page Title?

    • Meta description - add your meta description here. A Meta Description is essentially the wording of the page's Google listing. Find out more here What is a Meta Description?

    • Media - upload an image to display on the page here. Whatever you upload here will appear full width at the top of the page

  • Once complete, click the Save and Close button

Related Pages:

How to format text correctly on a website page using the text editor field

Adding a new website page to your menu

Duplicating a website page

Creating a new website page (advanced)


Keywords: Add page, add new page, create page, create new page, build page, build new page, new


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