How to edit a website page
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In the left hand menu, go to Website > Pages
Use the Search functionality at the top of the tab to search for the page URL you want to edit. You don’t need to enter the full URL of your website, just the specific page URL. Eg: would be meet-the-team
Double click the relevant page from the list, or right click and select Edit
A new tab will open showing a wireframe layout view of the page.
Click the underlined page URL title at the top to edit the Page URL, Window Title, or Meta Description of the page
Click the underlined name of the item to edit that section/module. A window will appear from the left hand side allowing you to edit the content of that section
Use the arrow icons to move the various sections of your website to change the layout
Click the add item icon button to add an entirely new item/section to the page. You can also duplicate a section by clicking the item and selecting Duplicate in the window which appears. This will allow to duplicate sections of the website in the same layout/style which you can then edit for speed/efficiency
Related Pages:
Creating a new website page (advanced)
Editing page, edit page, edit website, edit web page, change page, alter, change