Versions Compared


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Your data will be made available through an XML pull that can be downloaded up to 50 times a dayevery 4 hours. Please note, there will an additional monthly charge for setting up this export.


  • The property data will be made available through a URL, allowing you to pull XML data up to 50 times in 24 hours. The every 4 hours (the data will be cached and refreshed every 4 hours)

  • The following fields will be available to download:

    • ID

    • Internal Code

    • Name/Number

    • Address 1

    • Address 2

    • Address 3

    • Town

    • State

    • Country

    • Postcode

    • Full Address

    • Type (Residential or Commercial)

    • Sub Type (Sales or Lettings)

    • Property Type

    • Property Style

    • Hide From Web

    • Exclude From Portals

    • Price On Application

    • Short Description

    • Long Description

    • Bedrooms

    • Bathrooms

    • Reception Rooms

    • Tenure

    • Terms

    • Office

    • Status

    • Price

    • High Price

    • Instructed Date

    • Created Date

    • Updated Date

    • Archived

    • Video Tours

    • Features

    • Media

  • The data will be made available in XML format and will be paginated. A summary of the amount of data and the number of pages available will be made available at the beginning of the file

  • We recommend you make the property available on your portal using the Status field. We recommend you make all properties marked as For Sale or To Let available and ignore the Hide From Portals marker. This is because it is likely the hide from portals marker is marked as true for all properties to ensure the property remains hidden on any other exports which may be setup

  • We recommend you ensure any data received via an RTDF export overrides any data sent through this method. Each properties Internal Code will remain the same regardless of which export is used to receive data, so any duplicate properties contained in two feeds should be easily identifiable. In addition, most properties should disappear from the XML download when they are then sent via the RTDF
