Editing your website's terms and conditions page

Your website will have a default terms & conditions page. This is advertised in the footer of your website. It can be accessed by clicking the “Terms of Use” wording at the very bottom of your website footer or by going to your website address followed by /terms

To edit the wording of this page

  • Login to VIA

  • Go to Website > Pages

  • Search for the phrase “Terms” and select the page /terms from the list of options. If you can’t see a terms page, click the add button, and create a page ensuring the Page URL field is specifically terms

  • If you have never edited this page before and are using Webdadi’s default terms and conditions page, this page will appear to be blank. However, simply copy and paste your new wording into the relevant fields and this will override the default wording

Please note: Please ensure you add all of your wording correctly into the /terms page before saving the page. Any information added to this page will override the default wording on the website. You will not be able to edit the wording that is there, you simply have the option to add new wording if you’d prefer.