Changing which email address your website leads go to

Changing which email address your website leads go to

How to change where the email alerts for website leads are emailed to.

All of your website leads will come from forms that appear on your various website pages. You can customise where the leads generated by these forms are emailed to.

Arrange a Viewing Requests

The arrange a viewing requests are submitted when a user of your website goes to a specific property on your website and fills out the arrange a viewing form.

All of your properties will be assigned to a specific office. This will either be done through VIA if you add your properties directly there, or it will be done when you add your properties to your property management software.

To change where these emails go, you need to edit the office email address that is listed in VIA:

  • Go to the top tab of the left hand side menu (this will be called CRM, Property Editor, Lead Manager or Areas & Offices depending on what software edition you are on)

  • Click the Offices tab

  • Find the office you want to edit and double click it, or right click and select edit

  • Go the Email field and edit the email address

  • Click Save and Close

PLEASE NOTE: This will also amend the office contact details which appear on the property details page with the new email address you have added.

Call Me Back requests from your Office Page(s)

These leads are submitted when someone submits the Call Me Back form on your office details page(s)

To edit where these emails go, again you need to edit the office email address that is listed in VIA:

  • Go to the top tab of the left hand side menu (this will be called CRM, Property Editor, Lead Manager or Areas & Offices depending on what software edition you are on)

  • Click the offices tab

  • Find the office you want to edit and double click it, or right click and select edit

  • Go the Email field and edit the email address

  • Click Save and Close

PLEASE NOTE: This will also amend the office contact details which appear on the relevant Office page(s) of your website with the new email address you have added.

Other Leads (Valuation Requests, Call Me Back Forms etc.)

You can add a variety of forms to your website pages. These forms are what we call Items. You can choose to add different item templates to any page of your website listed in the Website > Pages section. You have several different form templates to choose from including a Call Me Back Form, Fast Lead Form, Feedback Form, Testimonial Submission Form, or a Valuation Form.

You can specify which email address a lead from these forms goes to by entering the preferred email address into the Send Email To field within the item. This allows you to have a great amount of flexibility in specifying which people or departments deal with very specific types of leads.

To change the email address that these leads go to:

  • Find the page where the form is you want to change. Make a note of the URL

  • In the left hand menu, go to Website > Pages and search for the relevant page (please not, you don’t need to enter the full URL, just the element which follows the / after your main website address, eg: meet-the-team)

  • Double click the relevant page from the list or right click and select edit

  • You will see a wireframe view of the page. Find the relevant form you want to edit and click the title of that section

  • OA pop up will appear from the right. Scroll to the Send Email To field

  • Add/edit the email address you want the form to submit to

  • Click Save and Close

If the Send Email To field is left blank, Valuation leads will be sent to the email address of the appropriate branch address that covers that area.

To check which branches are setup to receive valuation leads from specific areas

  • In the left hand menu of VIA, go to the top tab (entitled Areas & Offices, lead manager, Property Editor or CRM)

  • Go to Areas. Click the Search button to view all areas and the corresponding postcodes that they cover

  • To edit the postcodes, double click the relevant Area and edit the Postcodes field. You can define areas as full or partial postcodes. Click Save and Close

  • Go to the the top tab (entitled Areas & Offices, lead manager, Property Editor or CRM)

  • Go to Offices. Click the Search button to view all Offices

  • Double click each office and scroll to the Related Areas section. Tick all areas that you want the branch to cover to receive leads from that defined area

  • Click Save and Close


Related Articles:

Website leads in VIA; how to action and mark leads as actioned

How to manage the leads that users can see/access in VIA



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