Creating a new newsletter email template

Creating a new newsletter email template

You can design a newsletter email template in VIA, and send it to all of your contact database. VIA allows you to add new designs/templates and then select which email template you'd like to send.

To create a new newsletter email template

  • Login to VIA

  • In the left hand menu, click the CRM or Lead Manager tab

  • Click the Newsletter tab

  • Click the Add button (you may want to clone an existing template you have created as a starting point. If you do, click the search button to see a list of all of your newsletter templates. Right click the relevant template and select Clone)

  • Enter the following fields:

    • Name - Give your newsletter template a main title. The title will also be used as the name of the email template when selecting which template to send

    • Visible - Click the visible box when you want to publish your newsletter. Keeping this box unticked will save it as a draft

    • Quote - You can add a quote to your newsletter if you wish. You don't have to use this field, but it will add a quote to your newsletter in a pre formatted way

    • Quote Author - Attribute your quote to the author. Again, you don't have to use this field, but it will add the author underneath the quote in a pre formatted way

    • Month Header - Add the date of the newsletter here. It will add it to your newsletter in a pre formatted way

    • Media - Images you add here will be added to the top of the newsletter. We recommend you use a letterbox style image or graphic in order for the newsletter to format in the best way, but you can use which ever image you wish to suit your design. Just bear in mind that the image will always be the fill width of the email and the ratio of the image will be maintained so the height will adjust accordingly. We recommend an image size of 1800px x 350px

    • Property - Add featured properties to your newsletter. This will allow you to add any property from your website to your newsletter. You can add as many or as few properties as you wish. You also don't have to use this field if you don’t want to display properties in your design

    • News - Add featured blog articles to your newsletter. Again, you can add as many or as few articles as you wish and you don't have to use this feature. However, by using your existing website blogs, it allows you to easily add and reuse content for your email marketing, as well as providing content which links back to your website which will boost your SEO

  • Once complete, click the Save and Close or Save option

Below is an example of how the newsletter template will look once the various fields are filled in

Your newsletter template (once the visible tick box has been ticked) will be available when you right click any contact(s) and select the Send > Newsletter option. A list of all of your saved templates will be available from a list to select and send to your chosen contacts.

Related Articles:

How to send an email newsletter

How to preview and edit a newsletter email template you've created

How to create email newsletter mailing lists


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