

If you see the error NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID below the Learn More link on a screen that is titled Your Connection is not private, this is due to an SSL certificate error on your domain.

The primary possible causes for this error are as follows:-

  1. You have recently changed or added a domain to point to your Webdadi Website however, either the domain has not been created in your account and there is no valid SSL certificate to go with it, or, the new domain has indeed been created in your Webdadi VIA account, but as of yet an SSL certificate has not been issued by our Webdadi.net Cloudflare systems yet. If this error screen still remains after 30 mins and you have also tried loading the page in Incognito/InPrivate mode, then you should first double-check whether you contacted the team to request a setup of the new domain on our systems.

    if you have not already initiated a request for us to carry out the setup of a new domain/subdomain, and you need the new domain to work like yesterday, then this NEW requirement will give rise to you being charged a premium/emergency support rate to do so and resolve this issue, you should contact the helpdesk team to facilitate the request. If you are not in a hurry, then simply make the request to your account management team to have a new domain/subdomain setup for you and you will only be charged the standard rate card charges to do so.

  2. You have either canceled your contract with Webdadi or you have canceled your direct debit mandate with us via GoCardless and your Website therefore may have either been suspended for a long period of time, so the SSL certificate may have expired, or the SSL certificate may have been deleted due to contract termination and expiry of services. If you have transferred your domain away from Webdadi’s servers, but still see this error, it's almost certainly a cache issue, where the local copy of the site is not returning the SSL certificate for the aforementioned reasons. If you open your site using Incognito/Private mode, you would not then see this error as your site would simply redirect if you have done a redirection/re-pointing of your domain to another server other than Webdadi. Thereafter any message is unrelated to Webdadi.

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