Customising the VIA dashboard/home tab
Customising/editing the tiles which appear on your VIA dashboard/home tab.
When you log into VIA, the very first screen you will see is the VIA Dashboard.
The dashboard is a series of tiles giving you information about your website and/or the daily tasks you need to perform. It is a snap shot of information to help you organise your workload.
This dashboard can be customised to only show the relevant tiles which are relevant to you.
To customise the dashboard:
Login to VIA
Each tile has an X in the top right hand side of it. Simply click the X to remove the tile from your dashboard
You can simply remove any tiles which you don’t feel are relevant to you to give you a streamlined view of all the information you need
If you want to reinstate any tiles you have removed:
Navigate to the top left. You will see a tile containing titled with your name, just under the Welcome message
Within this tile, next to your name, you will see a drop down selector. This will tell you how many tiles you currently have visible our of the total number of tiles available
Click this drop down, and simply tick/untick the tiles you want to reinstate or remove from the display
Will my preferences still be there the next time I log on?
Yes, as long as you are logging into VIA on the same browser, your tile selection will be there when you next log on.
Your dashboard preferences are saved in a cookie within the browser. As long as you don't clear your cookies, or try to log in on a completely new browser in which you haven't set your dashboard preferences before, your dashboard will continue to be customised.
The cookie is set to have a duration of 365 days. If a user doesn't log in for a year, then the cookie will be dropped and the dashboard reset
If you do log onto VIA in a new browser, or accidently clear your cookies, follow the simple steps above to reset your preferences.