Creating an email signature URL link from within VIA

If you need to host media on a URL link for the purposes of creating an email signature graphic, you can use your VIA software to do this for you.

To create the email signature link

  • Go to Website > Links

  • Click the Add button

  • In the Name field enter email-signatures

  • Click the Visible box

  • In the Label field enter Email Signatures

  • Leave the URL, Open URL In, Content, Background Colour and Alt text fields blank

  • Scroll to the Media section near the bottom. Upload the relevant email signature graphics/files you want to host online. You can add as many as you choose

  • Once complete, label each of the graphics for easy reference should you need to edit/delete them at a later date

  • Click Save

You have now created a storage area for your graphics, and uploaded them so that they are now hosted online. Now all you need to do, is to get the URL links for the appropriate graphics. To do this

  • In the Media section, select the appropriate graphic/media you want the URL link for and click the magnifying glass icon

  • The image will open in a new pop up window. Right click this window and select Open image in new tab

  • This will open the graphic on a URL link. This is the URL you need. Simply copy the URL link in the address bar, and send this to whoever you need to.

To edit the email signature link

You simply need to delete the old media from the media uploader, and upload your new email signature graphic. To do this:

  • Go to Website > Links

  • Search for email-signature (if you have given the Link a different name/summary, you would need to search for the appropriate name you assigned the Link)

  • Scroll to the Media section near the bottom. Delete the old graphic you no longer wish to use, then upload the relevant email signature graphics/files you want to host online

  • Once complete, label each of the graphics for easy reference should you need to edit/delete them at a later date

  • Click Save

  • In the Media section, select the appropriate graphic/media you want the URL link for and click the magnifying glass icon

  • The image will open in a new pop up window. Right click this window and select Open image in new tab

  • This will open the graphic on a URL link. This is the URL you need. Simply copy the URL link in the address bar, and send this to whoever you need to.