Add/Edit/Post a blog on your Website

Add/Edit/Post a blog on your Website

  • Login to VIA

  • In the left hand menu go to Website > Blogs

  • Click Add

  • Give your blog a Name. This will be used to search for blogs in future should you need to edit/amend it, so name your blog something self descriptive to ensure you can easily find it in future. We recommend you give you use the same name as your title for ease

  • Tags. You can add tags to your blogs so you can group/filter articles of the same type. The Tags will be available as a drop down list in your main blog page, so your website users can see all blogs of the same type by selecting the drop down. For example, if you post articles about regular charity work you do, you can add the tag Charity. If a user then selected Charity from the drop down list, they would then see all blogs tagged with this word. You can add multiple tags to an article, separated by a comma. PLEASE NOTE You should be consistent in using the same set of tags in your articles and group your articles by specific tags to keep a concise and clear list of blog grouping. You should not use this section to add keywords for SEO. This is not needed, and will make your blog seems cluttered and unwieldy.

  • Valid From. You can select a date from which you want the article to display on your Website. This allows you to write articles ahead of time and publish them on specific future dates. If you are publishing the article on the same day, just enter today's date. PLEASE NOTE: In order for your blogs to filter by newest/oldest first correctly online, please make sure every blog has a valid from date. It is this field which is used on the newest/oldest filter, so blogs without a valid from date will not be recognised. In case your blog is not showing on your Website, check to ensure the valid from date is not in the future.

  • Valid To. You can set a date whereby the blog will be removed from showing, thus being visible/displaying on your website. If your blog post is not displaying/does not show on your Website, check the valid to date is not in the past.

  • Visible. Tick this box to publish your blog and make the blog appear available, so showing live on your website. Leaving this unticked will mean your blog stays as a draft.

  • Title. This will be the title of your blog displaying online

  • Description. This will be the main content of your blog. Use the text editing options to format how your blog displays online

  • Author. Specify an author of the blog to display online. You can leave this field blank if you so wish

  • Video Embed Code. Add a Youtube or Vimeo URL to display a video on your blog

  • Window Title. This is the window title of the blog which is used for SEO. You should keyword your blog appropriately for it to be picked up in Google search results. The window title will be used as the main title of your Google listing

  • Meta Description. This is similarly used for SEO. You should keyword your description appropriately for it to be picked up in Google search results. The meta description will be used as the main content of your Google listing

  • Media. Upload an image for your blog. You can have either an image or a video displaying on as the main image of your blog article. If you have added a Video Embed Code, this will always display over the image you've added. If you want to add both a video and an image on your blog article, leave the video embed code section blank and upload your media. You can then add a video in the Description field using the text editor options, which will add a video within the main text section of your blog instead

  • Click Save & Close


How to edit a blog post that already exists

  • Go to Website > Blogs

  • Search for the blog you want to edit using the search box. You can also filter by the column headers by clicking the relevant column header you want to filter by

  • Double click the relevant blog from the list, or right click and select edit

  • Edit the available fields as per the instructions above

  • Be sure to check the Visible box to publish it live on your website.


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