Webdadi Support FAQs & Key Information

Who is supported by Webdadi?

Webdadi offers in person support for any registered support user within VIA. Your Support User(s) will be displayed in the top left hand tile of the VIA dashboard when you first login, or visible in the Users > Manage tab.

You can find out more information about support users here

What will you support?

In brief, Webdadi products and services outlined in your contract with us. We will look to help and support you in as many ways as we can in regards to your website, but some requests may require additional products , services, time and expertise not included in your subscription.

What Webdadi will support you with:

  • Any bugs on the website whereby

    • There is a visual/formatting error

    • Something is not working which can be consistently recreated, eg the search function of your website is not working or specific button is not functioning

    • Issues relating to the import of property information onto the website from a third party CRM

  • Any bugs on the VIA software whereby

    • There is a visual/formatting error

    • Something is not working which can be consistently recreated

    • Issues relating to the export of property information to the property portals

You will have up to 2 hours inclusive support for the following:

  • Any how to questions or queries regarding updating your website or using your VIA software. All support users contacting us will be expected to:

    • Have received training on the VIA system

    • Have consulted the online Training & Support Centre from within VIA before contacting us for help

Please Note: Help & support on these queries outside of the inclusive 2 hours as outlined in your contract will be charged at a per hour support rate. We will inform you prior to you breaching your inclusive support and will not proceed with billable support without your written confirmation.

What Webdadi will not support you with

  • How to queries & questions regarding third party products and services

  • General IT and computer support

  • Issues relating to viewing the website or using the VIA software on old browser versions or operating systems as outlined by our terms and conditions

  • Retired Webdadi products and services

  • Expected or assumed features and functions of the website and/or software not specifically outlined in your contract

  • Help and guidance relating to general IT queries, email services or general IT knowledge

  • Specific SEO advise, help and support outside of your website project build

    • Webdadi are not an SEO consultancy and cannot offer ongoing help, advise and support. It is merely a platform from which you can manage your own SEO strategy

    • Additional SEO services & support can be purchased from your Webdadi Account Manager, but this is not included in your subscription and is a separate service

    • The online Training & Support centre offers a wealth off advise and help regarding SEO. The following article also outlines more information regarding SEO from which you can action the necessary work

  • Issues highlighted by online reporting platforms pertaining to website and/or SEO performance. Not all of these reports are trustworthy or verifiable. Webdadi will only address genuine issues highlighted by the following reports:

    • Screaming Frog SEO Reports

    • MOZ SEO Reports

    • Google Developer Console reports

    • Google Lighthouse Reports

Where genuine issues or errors have been highlighted by the above reports

  • Any issues must be fully understood by the support user and the error/issue explained clearly as to what action is required from Webdadi

  • Webdadi cannot offer help, guidance and support in understanding or interpreting reports. This is a specialist field requiring specific skills and expertise and is not included in your subscription. Additional support in carrying out website audits and actions can be requested from your Account Manager through the Website MOT service or SEO Review service (whereby we'll carry out our own reports, interpret the data, highlight any recommended actions, then carry out the necessary work)


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