Welcome to VIA Website Edition; an introduction to the basics of using your VIA software to edit your website
Your VIA software is a content management system or CMS. In essence, you can use your VIA software to edit and amend your website.
This can be on a basic level, such as updating the wording on a page, updating an image, or changing your office's address. However, VIA allows you to do so much more. It is also a website building platform, meaning you can build new website pages, create new website page designs, and install new functionality onto your website. You can manage your entire website yourself, for free, anytime you need to.
Below, we run through the basics of using VIA to get you started.
How to login to your software
Logging into your software is easy. Just go to your website address, followed by /webdadi
1) Adding a new user
Firstly, you'll want to ensure that all the members of staff that need to edit the website have access. This could even include third party bloggers or content writers.
When you add a new user, you can choose what user rights to give them. This will mean you can lock out certain functionality and ensure the member of staff can only access what you want them to.
VIA allows you to control who has access to your software and fully manage your account.
Top Tip - Want to outsource your blogging? You can add them as a user to your VIA software and allocate them the Blogger user right. This will mean they can only access you blog, so they can easily add and manage your blogs without having wider access to your website.
2) Adding a new blog
Blogging is a great way to add new content to your website quickly and easily. It can help boost your SEO and is one of the easiest things to do in VIA. It's a great place to start to get to grips with your VIA software.
3) Creating/Editing website pages
Each website we build is different. The website building capabilities of VIA mean you can create an almost endless combination of page designs using the software.
Editing existing pages
The easiest way to get to grips with VIA is to simply edit the wording or the imagery that’s already there
Adding a new website page - the basics
Creating a simple page for your website is easy. You can add a title, an image, a subtitle and main body of text that will be displayed in a pre defined page layout. This allows you to create pages quickly and easily.
More advanced
Whilst creating a simple page is quick and easy, it's not the most exciting page design you can create. To start building more advanced page designs and utilising all the features available in VIA, you’ll need a slightly deeper understanding.
The more complex page designs don't rely on the simply page layout. They utilise what we call items; modules you add to the page such as contact forms or carousels of images, that allow you to build more complex website page designs.
If you have a more complicated page design such as meet the team page that you want to edit, you'll need to understand what items are and how they work in order to edit your website. The guides below are a great place to start.
4) Editing your website menu
Once you've created new pages you'll want to add them to your main menu so your website users can access them easily. Over time, you may also want remove pages from your website menu that are no longer relevant or even link to PDF files and documents.
The guides below will give you a great understanding of how to build/edit your website's main menu, and how you can make documents available
5) Website Leads
You website leads will be delivered to you in two ways
Emails alerts will be sent to the designated email addresses you have assigned. These emails will contain the relevant details of the lead for your staff to action
Every lead will also be stored in your VIA software so you can action and report on them from directly within VIA. You may wish to give staff access to VIA so they can qualify these leads as quickly and easily as possible. Storing the leads in VIA means you have complete visibility over what has been actioned, what has been missed, and how quickly each lead has been dealt with
6) The Training & Support Centre
To view our full catalogue of guides and videos, head to the Training & Support centre in VIA. Simply login and click the blue Training & Support button on the left hand side. You can use the keyword search to look for further guides and videos.
Want to know more?
Below are a selection of articles for some more common FAQs
Want to know more about SEO and how you can improve your website's Google ranking? The guides below are a great place to start